Traveling through these five features of Google Maps will make traveling more enjoyable.

Traveling through these five features of Google Maps will make traveling more enjoyable.

You do not know about these five features of Google Map!
Whenever we go to some unfamiliar paths and we do not know the front path, then we immediately remove the phone and using the Google map, we know where the road is going forward. Traveling through these five features of Google Maps will make traveling more enjoyable.our website
Google map will show where to park.

Often it is possible that we park the car in a crowded place or market place, whose true location is forgotten by ourselves, thus you can save the parking lot through Google Map. For this, go to the blue dot in Google Map and tap on Save your parking. Then you will know about where your car is parked.
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Real Time Location can share.

Whenever we go somewhere in the group, sometimes there is a place that can be a bit difficult to find, but now you do not have to worry about it because there is such a facility on Google Map, with which you have your current Can share the location. With this feature, you can easily work in minutes.

Google Map will either detect petrol pumps and ATMs
If you go to an unknown city and you do not know where the petrol pump or ATM is, then there is no need to worry about it.

 For that, you have to open Google Maps on your smartphone. Now you have to click on (Explore Next), then you will have as many petrol pumps, ATMs will come to you.All MOBILE JUGAD FOR LATEST TECHNOLOGIE UPDATE CLICK.
Google map shows where your train reached

However, there are many such apps available in the Google Play store, so you can find out where your train has reached but for that you do not have to download the application, it is worth it to use Google Map.
Language can be changed in Google map
Did you know that when you travel, you can change the voice and language in your map accordingly. 

For this you have to tap the first menu option, where you can select according to your language.

Google Map is the world's most popular website today. With the help of map, you can look at the whole world. Can find a way between two cities Google Map also has more work than this. Learn about some important Google tricks that will help you.
Inside Google Map, you can save your home and office's location. From which you will have to save the location of your home or office at once. After that you just have to search from the menu. You can find the way faster by saving time. To start Google Map, click the 3 button on the side above and click on "Your Places" You can save the address of your home and office on the map.
On Google you can see some tourist sites in 360 degree Panorama mode. This is a new feature of Google Map. Some of the cities on the Google Map are in the 360's. You can revisit the cities that are home.
If you want to measure the distance in two places or distance you can measure with the help of Google map. Add a blue tick to your place and add tick to another place. Go to OPTION and click find DISTANCE.more interesting knowledge click

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Traveling through these five features of Google Maps will make traveling more enjoyable.
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