SRPF recruited through Lokrakshak Recruitment Board-2021
POLICE EXAMSRPF recruited through Lokrakshak Recruitment Board-2021
Pursuant to the above subject, to state that a total of 4450 SRPF recruited through Lokrakshak Recruitment Board-2021 (Advertisement No: LRB/202122/2), Shri.
Total 4396 SRP among Lokrakshak.
Allotment of Public Guards to State Reserve Police Force Groups vide reference letter from Additional Director General of Police, Armed Forces, G.R., Gandhinagar.
came. Rs. A total of 4396 S.R.P.F. Police Force Group/
Allotments are made for basic training at the District/Unit Training Centre. 3. The above SRPF 26/03/2023 Time: 12:00 Noon in Government Vehicle at R.A.PO Force Group District/Unit Training Center allotted for Basic Training to Public Guards as per required uniform clothing articles and joining instructions attached herewith by Responsible Officer/ The employee has to be released and sent under the notice of the employee.
4. The names of all the Lok Rakshas to be sent for basic training must be sent in soft copy to the concerned training center and its office by e-mail by 23/03/2023. Head of Training Institute / Center:- Your R.A.P.O. For Basic Training at Training Center of Force Group District Unit
SRPF of R.A.P. Force groups as per attached sheet allocated. of the public defenders
Letter No. regarding Basic Training, Training-3 Various Cadres/Training/Planning/2991/
2022, dated 07/12/2022 and the following instructions
Please implement.
SRPF allotted for Basic Training at Training Centre. 08 months basic training of Lokrakshak has to be started from 27/03/2023.
SRPF Indoor and Outdoor Syllabus of Basic Training of Lokrakshakar Samvarga updated, Syllabus (including Examination Rules, Question Paper Structure, Leave Orders) is hereby incorporated, as mentioned in the syllabus SRPF. To ensure that the public defenders are trained.
The accommodation of the trainees shall be provided free of charge. Keeping in mind the number of trainees, proper arrangements for their accommodation, toilet-bathroom etc. have to be made.
Arrangements are being made for lecturers for indoor training of Lokrakshak trainees. To whom the detailed information for appointment will be sent separately. - Arrangements for outdoor training of Lokraksha trainees available at Group District Unit
D.I. And it has to be done from A.D.I.
For the food of Lokraksha trainees who will have to arrange a mess at the training centre. Centers where mess facilities are not available will have to outsource the mess by following the procedure as per the tender sent from here.
> The training center where government mess facility is not available and the tender process for mess facility is not conducted tender process to be conducted by the nearest district training center for the purpose of providing food according to the menu decided to the people guards allotted for basic training at the training center. The price at which the contract has been awarded for the mess facility from Axis Outsource is the same price as the District Training Center.