house-to-house visit by BLO regarding special brief correction program

 Subject: Regarding house-to-house visit by BLOS regarding special brief correction program of voter list with photo regarding qualification date of 01.10.2022.

 You are well aware that the letter of the Election Commission of India dated 8/07/2022 has announced a special brief correction program of the voter list with photographs with reference to the eligibility date of 01.10.2022.  With a view to the forthcoming Assembly elections, during the continuous improvement program of the electoral roll, every house included in the part allotted to them by BLOS under Pre-Revision Actlvities will be visited from House to House from 08/06/2022 to 7/08.  Must be done during 07/202.  The concerned voter registration officers will have to provide all the BLOs of their assembly constituency during their H2H visit including the disposal of all the rights claims received till 3/08/207 with reference to the eligibility date dated 01.01.203.  The pdf of this voter list and kakkavari list should be generated using ER Printing Tools.  Under Pre-Revision activltles, BLOS has to perform the following main operations during H2H visit and in case applicable, it has to get Form No. 4, 5-6, 6, 7 and 8-K and digitize it in GARUDA Application.

 (1) Receiving applications in prescribed Form No. 4, 5-6, 6, 7 and 8-K during house visits.

 (2) To obtain Form-2 from all the citizens who are eligible especially regarding the date of eligibility dated 01/01/207 and are not registered in the electoral roll.

 (2) After checking the details of the voters on the basis of the voter list, if the voters suggest amendments, to get Form-2 from such voters.

 (2) To obtain Form-3 in case of Repeated / Multiple entries / Permanent Migration / Death on the basis of Voter List.

(2) To prepare a list of citizens who turn 18 on 01/10/207.

 (s) Newly existing societies / apartments which are not included in the electoral roll in the parts allotted to them by the BLO Supervisor.  Voter registration should be done in consultation with the officer.  The supervisor will issue a certificate of completion of this means.  Then visit each such house through BLOS to get Form-3 / Form-4K in the applicable case.

 2. Using the voter list given to the BLOD, the concerned BLOS has to verify the voters and get the signature of the concerned voter or head of the family in column no. (2) of the Kakkavari list.  In case of temporary relocation, write "A" in case of permanent relocation, a voter who has left his usual place of residence and moved permanently to another place and there is no possibility of returning to this original address.  In case of death, "D" should be marked with red pen in Kakkavari electoral roll in column no.  Details of such A / S / D should be shown in the relevant columns mentioned in "Form-1".

 3. On 01/10/208, the list of prospective electors who have turned 18 years of age should be prepared in "Form-II" by visiting every house in the area included in the part allotted to them by BLOD and the newly existing areas.

 .  Among the parts allotted to them by the BLO Supervisor, a list of newly existing societies / apartments which are not included in the electoral roll should be prepared in "Form-2".  They will also monitor the day-to-day operation of the BLO and randomly check their work.

મતદાર યાદી સુધારણા કાર્યક્રમ 2022-23 ચૂંટણીકાર્ડ કામગીરી પરિપત્ર 


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