SPARSH" online training of teachers of the state's primary department under school health program under Ayushyaman Bharat Yojana


SPARSH" online training of teachers of the state's primary department under school health program under Ayushyaman Bharat Yojana

Regarding "Online SPASH" online training of teachers of the state's primary department under school health program under Ayushyaman Bharat Yojana.  Under the program, a joint venture of UNESCO and GCERT Gandhinagar organized online training on "SPArSH" (State Program on Adolescent School Health) for all teachers of all schools (government aided and self-reliant schools) in the state's primary department.  Teachers will be able to join this training through DIKSHA Portal. According to this training, a total of 11 course modules will be uploaded periodically on DIKSHA Portal. Currently three module courses have been uploaded.
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SPARSH" online training of teachers of the state's primary department under school health program under Ayushyaman Bharat Yojana
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