If you have downloaded this app in Tech Masala / Lock down, delete it, Government warns. 

If you have downloaded this app in Tech Masala / Lock down, delete it, Government warns. 

Millions of people around the world are currently forced to live at home due to lock downs. They are also doing a lot of work from home. The most prevalent zoom app is being heavily used amid the Corona crisis.

 Meetings are also being held by thousands of companies with the help of this app. It has recently been revealed that this app is not secure. See Tech Masala to know what the government warned about this app.

The whole country is locked at home in an atmosphere of lockdown. Ava has stopped meeting friends and relatives.

Full Read Gujarati: Click Hare

 So many people try to stay connected with people at home through video calling app. That's why WhatsApp has also added a new feature to its video calling. Find out about this in today's Tech Masala. Also important updates from the tech world.

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If you have downloaded this app in Tech Masala / Lock down, delete it, Government warns. 
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