CoronaVirus: What is Hotspot, Redzone, Green Zone, Orange Zone and Curfew?

CoronaVirus: What is Hotspot, Redzone, Green Zone, Orange Zone and Curfew?

The number of coronary-positive patients has reached 1000 in India, while Gujarat is spreading corpses across India, including Gujarat. In the last 24 hours, 163 new cases were exposed in some areas in Gujarat. So read this article to get a simple understanding of what these curfews, hotspots and zones are. Here is all the information.

The place where the most corona-positive patients are getting
     Entry in and out of this area is restricted
     There is a complete ban on traffic in the hotspot area
     Hotspot areas should be fully sealed
     Home delivery of all service takes place in the seal areas
     Only the health workers-delivery person gets access
     Barricades are installed in the sealed area
     Police officers are constantly monitored with the magistrate
     Passes are issued to those who have access
     All hotspot services, including shops, are closed

CoronaVirus: What is Hotspot, Redzone, Green Zone, Orange Zone and Curfew?

The content zone

    The area covered by the hostpot is declared a content zone
    There is no movement within the content zone
    The area within the limits of this zone has strict control
    All are closed, leaving essential services like medical and low end orders
    People are not allowed to move in and out
    There is strict adherence to the Jadoyali Guideline about content

Why apply a curfew?

    A hotspot is declared an area where the corona has more cases
    People are not allowed to exit in the hotspot area
    However, if people break the rules, there is a curfew
    After curfew, people's movement is restricted
    If people do not believe, strict action is taken

Understand the green zone

    Green zone means the transverse free area of ​​the corona
    It is allowed to buy the required items during lockdown
    Exits allow for a home purchase
    No need to gather crowds and maintain social distances
    Strict action may be taken against the breach of rules

What is the Orange Zone?

    The orange zone seems to be where there are some cases of corona infection
    Here the system can take lockdown, seal or other steps
    These zones have concessions in areas other than transit areas
    In other areas, people can go out to buy essential goods
    The system can also set a time limit for this

What is the rule of the red zone?

    The red zone is the most dangerous zone
    The red zone seems to be where a large number of people have come from in Corona
    There is a high likelihood of transmission here or spread of infection elsewhere
    Such areas are included in the red zone
    People are banned from leaving here
    People here can't get out of the house
    In the event of an emergency, the person can only call the helpline
    The system can help the person in his own way
    In the red zone, the system supplies the necessary goods
    The system supplies the necessary goods to the people's homes
    Special attention is also given to people in the Red Zone
    Here, strict action is taken to break the rule

CoronaVirus: What is Hotspot, Redzone, Green Zone, Orange Zone and Curfew?




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CoronaVirus: What is Hotspot, Redzone, Green Zone, Orange Zone and Curfew?
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